

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Genre: Fantasy/Horror

Word Count: 100

“No one else in the car,” the officer told his partner. He bent back to her window. “Sure you’re all right?” He peered into her eyes, a slight crease between his brows.

“Fine. Thanks.” She clasped trembling hands together, stilling their shaking.

“All right. Maybe get some rest,” he said.

She nodded, swallowed. She wanted to jump out, to bolt to the safety of the squad car, but what would she tell them?

“Drive safely,” he said in parting.

She turned desperate eyes to the passenger seat. Teeth flashing sharp in the darkness, the demon laughed. “They’d have you committed.”

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Thanks to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for another fun Friday Fictioneers prompt! Stories must be exactly 100 words. Come and play!

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